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Birds make excellent companions, most being able to be kept in relatively small areas, cheap to purchase and feed. They are extremely entertaining, in particular the parrot family who are full of amusing antics, attractive to look at and often great to listen to.

The most popular pet bird is the Budgerigar, a hardy, amusing small bird that comes in a variety of colours and is an excellent talker.

A Canary is for the owner who enjoys music rather than chatter and although not available in the range of colours of the Budgie, it does come in various shades of yellow and red and there is even a variety with a crest.

Cockatiels, Lovebirds and Finches are also popularly kept. Whatever the variety of bird kept, the cage should be large enough for the bird to fly short distances, and if two birds are kept the cage should be considerably larger.

Cages should have at least one water howl and one feed bowl and they should not be beneath perches where they will be contaminated by faeces.

At least two perches should be provided, and they should be of differing sizes and neither perfectly round nor plastic.

Budgies love toys and Canaries enjoy a swing but it is important not to clutter the cage with so many toys that the bird is restricted from flying.

Birds are very susceptible to changes of temperature and it is important to keep them somewhere dry, warm and free from draughts. In the colder months they must be protected from chill, and in the warmer months do not leave them in hot winds or sun.

If the bird is inside it must be removed from the room when spraying with insecticides, and birds in the kitchen may die from fumes given off by overheated non-stick cookware.

Birds must be fed the appropriate variety of commercial seed for their species. A supply of shellgrit must be available to aid digestion, and cuttlefish adds calcium w the diet and also helps keep beaks clean and sharp.

Although most bird species commonly kept as pets are relatively hardy, there are occasions when they become ill. Most people ignore the early signs of illness, fluffed up feathers, listlessness, lack of appetite and a change in the colour or consistency of faeces. By the time the bird is obviously ill, sitting on the floor of the cage, eyes half closed and feathers fluffed, it is often very difficult to treat the by then, advanced illness.

In most major cities there are avian specialists, veterinarians who specialise in treating birds, but any sick bird must he treated urgently by a veterinarian. Waiting until tomorrow to seek help far a sick bird may just be leaving it too late!

Female birds may become egg bound, i.e. they may have an egg that they cannot lay. They will be very depressed and will have a large swelling beneath the tail. These birds will die unless the egg is passed. Veterinary assistance is vital. A hen does not have to he mated, nor does she have had to have a male bird with her to produce an egg.

Birds are very susceptible to stress. A sick bird is best placed in a dark, quiet place. Transporting it to the veterinarian should be kept as stress free as possible. If the bird is in a small cage the cage should be covered with a cloth, if the bird shares a cage or is in a large cage it is best to place the bird in a smaller cage or a box (with airholes).

Petcare Information and Advisory Service Australia

Last Update: 06/02/07 22:03 Views: 1795

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