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Perhaps one of the reasons that early man first encouraged wild dogs to remain around his camp was their ability to alert him to danger. Today, this is still one of the reasons for many families adding a dog to the household.

Although a dog may be required to fulfil the role of a 'watch' dog he must be taught that unnecessary barking is not allowed. The dog, which barks at every little disturbance in the neighbourhood will not bring the neighbours running to see what is wrong when the family silver is being carried out the door by thieves. When the new puppy is brought home it must be educated that barking at the neighbours cat, the birds in the trees, children playing, or passers-by in the street is inappropriate.

Very young puppies do not have any sense of territory so barking at intruders is unlikely behaviour in dogs under about 9 months old. Once a puppy does start to give the alarm that someone is at the door or coming down the front path, he must be taught to cease barking when you respond to the disturbance. Some breeds of dog, usually the more active breeds, are more likely to be barkers than the breeds with a moderate activity level. Barking dogs are considered a nuisance by many neighbours and owners who allow their dogs to offend may be fined by their local Council.

If a dog is a persistent barker owners should try and establish why the dog barks. If it is reported to bark only while you are absent from the house, set up a tape recorder to find out just what the dog does in your absence. Some dogs become anxious when owners are absent and help should be sought from your veterinarian or an animal behaviourist in preventing the dog from becoming distressed.

Dogs, which are able to see into the street and bark at passers -by may be quieter if their view of the street is restricted. Dogs, which bark during the night should be fed late and confined to a shed or the laundry. There are some training aids available which give the dog an unpleasant experience when it barks, but remember that if these aids are left on the dog the dog will also get an unpleasant experience when it gives a bark of joy when you come home and will wonder why this happens to it when it is pleased to see you.

Training aids, which automatically give the dog a correction for what is considered an inappropriate behaviour should only be used after consultation with an animal behaviourist.

Dogs which have owners that have taught them from puppy hood that unnecessary barking is not allowed and which have their needs for exercise and companionship met will rarely be nuisance barkers yet will still give the alarm if intruders come onto the property.

Further Information
  Products - Anti Barking Spray Collar

Petcare Information and Advisory Service Australia

Last Update: 05/03/07 22:21 Views: 2366

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories