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Dalmatians have the distinctively spotted appearance, and are thought to have originated from Yugoslavia.

They are extremely active dogs and are therefore well suited to active families. A large backyard and daily exercise is vital for the Dalmatians well being.

They are quite easy to maintain as their coats have short hair, and does not shed. They are also known to be free from strong dog odour.

They are intelligent, quick learners, who are loving companions and loyal to their owners and yet can be somewhat shy or snobbish to strangers. They have a stable temperament and are always alert. They are strong and sturdy and have great endurance, and should be well disciplined from an early age.

They can range from 56-60 cm in height, and have an average weight of 23-28kg (50-62 lbs). They are born a solid white colour and develop their black or brown spots after two to three weeks. Their noses begin to darken at 3 months of age. Because of their relatively light colouring they sunburn easily.

Deafness is also a problem with this breed and all puppies should be thoroughly checked before purchasing, at an age of four weeks and over. Potential owners should only deal with reputable breeders.

Dalmatians should be encouraged to drink plenty of water due to their active lifestyles and also to prevent kidney problems.

Dalmatians have an average life span of 12-14 years.

Further Information
  Books - Dalmatian Pet Love
  Books - Dalmatian A New Owners Guide
  Books - Dalmatian Today

Last Update: 27/03/07 16:34 Views: 4291

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories