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History & General Background of the HamiltonStövare

About 100 years ago, Count Adolf Patrick Hamilton created the breed that now carries his name. The Count was the founder of the Swedish Kennel Club and a connoisseur of hounds. The HamiltonStövare is the tallest and most strongly built of the Stövare breeds and was developed primarily from the English Foxhound/Harrier. Hamilton imported German hounds, like, the German SchweizerStövare, Hanoverian Hound, Holstein and Curlandia to cross with his British-bred dogs. 

The Hamilton was developed to hunt fox and hare through densely grown forests and deep snow. Today the HamiltonStövare is a favoured hunting dog in Sweden, he is usually hunted singly; however they have been known to hunt in pairs - the HamiltonStövare however are NOT "pack" animals and do not hunt as such. They accompany the hunting party into the vast Swedish pine forests, where he finds and flushes game back towards the guns, baying to indicate his whereabouts. Also adapted to snow cover, he is robust enough to trail large game.

They are a very straight-forward breed. They do not currently suffer from the hereditary faults of many breeds and are usually very healthy. Due to the tireless efforts of Swedish breeders, Hip Dysplasia has not been seen in this breed for many years however we would strongly recommend you have any breeding stock Hip Scored prior to breeding, to ensure this trend continues.


Any love and affection you give them will be rewarded tenfold. They will be the best friend any child could grow up with, and the best child you would ever dream of!!

Average Lifespan

When considering a dog, please realize that you are making a lifetime commitment.  The Hamilton can live to 14+ years of age

Average Size

Height at the Shoulder Dogs  : 53 - 61cm (21 - 24 inches)
    Bitches : 50 - 57cm (19.5 - 22.5 inches)

Breed Personality / Characteristics / Temperament

This handsome, upstanding tri-coloured hound was won the admiration and hearts of many. His temperament is sweet and gentle, and he fits well into family life. However, the hunting instincts are strong and the need for activity is great. Those two factors must be kept in mind by prospective owners. Large space is necessary for long walks. Even when well trained, these dogs should be kept on leash in areas with game, as hunting instincts may override training. Once off on a scent, they will hunt for hours before returning to their original starting point, working up a hearty appetite - they have been described as real "chow hounds." Where enough physical activity is provided, these hounds are happy, bouncy and extroverted pals which relate well to people and other animals. They thrive in a family environment and crave companionship, preferring the fireside to an outside kennel.


With this sort of background it goes without saying that they can take as much exercise as you would ever be able to provide. Having said this, they can and do settle well into urban environments. Human companionship is the most important thing in their life. They are very intelligent and so are quite easy to train as long as you have that 'one on one' relationship with them. They are bred to hunt and so they are inclined to wander if not under supervision, so a fenced garden is essential (as with any dog). They are an excellent dog to bring children up with, as they as full of fun, while still being very patient. They become very devoted to their family and will defend them if they need to, but they lack the aggression to be considered as a guard dog.  Given adequate exercise they make excellent companions and housedogs adapting well to the home life, preferring the fireside to an outdoor kennel.  They thrive in a family environment and crave companionship

Compatibility with Other Pets

The Hamilton is a friendly, good-natured breed and mixes well with other dogs.  They will play happily for hours with other dogs, but can also entertain themselves.  They are definitely not an aggressive breed or a breed that needs to dominate.


Care Requirements

The Hamilton is a low maintenance breed, the short coat needing little more than regular brushing and bathing.  Grooming time is a good opportunity to check over your dog for any impending problems e.g. fleas, rashes etc. and is a good 'bonding' time so should be done regularly anyway. Daily exercise is a must and will keep this dog healthy & happy.

Ideal Owners

The Hamilton makes an excellent companion.  This breed would be suitable for a young active family or retired couple provided some basic rules were taught.  Owners would need to be prepared to give this breed plenty of exercise and allow it to be part of the family.

Further Information


Contact: Sharen & Jody Beck - Snovantage HamiltonStövare
Phone: 07-54679150 or 0412 969600

Snovantage HamiltonStövare

Last Update: 27/03/07 16:28 Views: 8640

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