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Ch: Teravil Domino from Wyndlee (Imp UK)
All German Spitz varieties are descendants of the Stone Age "Dog of the Peat-Moss Bogs" from which the oldest dog breed of Central Europe,the "Lake Dwellers Spitz" evolved. The "Lake Dwellers Spitz" is the progenitor of numerous other breeds, including all German Spitz, German Pinscher, and German Schnauzer varieties. In non German speaking countries the Wolfsspitz is called a Keeshond, the Kleinspitz - German small spitz and Zwergspitz is called a Pomeranian.

Komin Katch Me
The German spitz was bred purely as a companion dog and are active, alert and completely devoted to their human family.

German spitz do not do well in a kennel situation where they are isolated from their own kind or see very few humans.

 The German spitz is free from "doggy odours" and "smiles" - a breed characteristic. They adapt well to family situations are are good with other dogs and with children.

The breed has few hereditary problems and therefore has a good life expectancy.

Ch Gayair Top Gear
The beautiful coat, which is a feature of all German spitz varieties attracts immediate attention. The dense, mane like collar around the neck and the bushy tail carried boldly over the dog's back make this breed very attractive. Add to this the fox-like head with dark, bright eyes, and the tri-angular tipped, small ears endow the German spitz with the very expression of saucy boldness, pertness and sheer cheek.

They are a relatively easy care breed. All they need is to be kept free of fleas and a brush and comb about once a week Yes, they do shed hair.

All in all the German spitz makes a delightful pet and a good little watch dog.

Size: 12" - 15"

Atetak & Komin German Spitz

Last Update: 27/03/07 16:20 Views: 4280

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