An aquarium has been accredited with soothing qualities and after a hectic day at the office the blood pressure is undoubtedly lowered by watching fish glide past. Aquariums range from basic fish bowls containing one or two common garden variety goldfish to salt water aquariums containing exotic marine life and colourful fish more likely to be found around coral reefs. There are lots of ways to set up an aquarium in an attractive manner and there are no limits to your fantasy. The size of the aquarium depends on your personal choice and the space available. The number of fish you keep will be determined by the size of the tank. Fish need approximately 1 litre of water per centimetre length of fish. Decide where you want to put your tank before you set it up as it is almost impossible to move even moderate sized tanks once they are filled with water. A place near the window is not an ideal situation as temperatures will vary greatly and the sunlight will cause algae growth. If the tank is to be placed on a flat surface, such as a bench or table top, it is important to check that the surface is even as the glass base will break under the weight of the water if the surface is uneven. If your tank is to have a filter system, lights etc, then a power supply will be needed close to the tank. |