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One in four Aussie pet owners waits for their companion animal to be sick before visiting the vet!

Recent research from PawClub has shown that Australian pet owners don't 'paws' for their animal's health. The survey has found 25 per cent of Australian cat and dog owners neglect annual vet visits for their pet, waiting until their animals show signs of illness before scheduling a check-up.

Leading vet and media personality, Dr Michael Archinal, believes prevention is the key to ensuring good pet health, while waiting for symptoms of illness could severely impact the health of pets.

"Dogs and cats don't often vocalise their pain," said Dr Archinal. "Given our pets may be masking their clinical signs of disease and discomfort, it is vital that owners schedule a regular check up to identify health conditions before they become more serious."

To educate pet owners on the importance of preventative care and encourage annual visits to the vet, Pfizer Australia is launching The 10 Point Pet Check initiative in July. The month-long campaign reminds Australians to view their pet's health as a priority.

The PawClub survey of 1,000 cat and dog owners also found that almost half (46 per cent) of respondents don't keep records of their pet's vaccinations, health checks or medication, relying on their vet for this information.

"In the same way most people keep their medical records and information close by, it is also important to keep their animal's records on hand, including details of a pet's allergies, vaccination status and current medications," said Dr Archinal.

"With so many pet owners moving home during the life of their pet and taking their pets with them on holidays, they need to be aware of their animal's medical history. A simple checklist of what health assessments were covered in a consultation and a record of the prescribed medication is an excellent place to start."

During July, pet owners who visit a participating vet and complete The 10 Point Pet Check can go into the draw to win cash back on their veterinary visit.

To find out more about how to participate in The 10 Point Pet Check, pet owners are encouraged to talk to their local vet or visit to locate their nearest participating vet or for further information.

Pfizer Animal Health
PawClub is an initiative of Pfizer Animal Health

Last Update: 04/07/11 11:18 Views: 9476

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